Pau D’Arco


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Used by the Incas and the Argentine government in the last century gave cancer, leukaemia patients Pau D’Arco Free. Also used by the Portuguese as gifted by S. American Indians to go after flatworm, that caused tropical disease. Blood purifier and blood builder for leukaemia and anaemia. Main immune enhancer against viruses: flu, herpes, hepatitis; environmental allergies and asthma. Protects the liver and detoxes the liver. Shown in S. American hospitals, given after chemo, to stop the destructive process of cancer, such as when chemo destroys the liver and kidneys. Pau D’Arco is able to stop the pain of cancer. Anti-fungal, stopping Candida/yeast infection, herpes, while strengthening the immune system. Reduces tumours of all kinds by dissolving them. Pau D’Arco has a natural anodyne (pain relieving) effect, relieving the pain of arthritis and cancer pain; eliminating the pain caused by disease, multiplying the numbers of red corpuscles. Pau D’Arco, aids in blood purification, supplies anti-Mutagenic properties, provides antibiotic, antiviral and anti-fungal support to combat yeast infections and functions as an excellent disease preventive. Pau D’Arco is high in Iron, thus effective in aiding in the natural assimilation of nutrients, which improves elimination through the intestinal tract.
Helps regulate blood sugar, so helps against diabetes. Ships in a 4oz package.


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